slide by..? remind me, guys!
well, i've finally posted all the slides from halloween that i scanned in. my new goal is to finish scanning the rest and get them up here, one by one. star & rachel have some incredible layered ones i am exceedingly excited about.
(i bought nice brushes!)
awww.... i stole this from sleep goblin who stole it from spinning girl. mwahahahaha! the internet creates thieves of us all.
by the way, star introduced me to la casa dolce down in hyde park! it's across from macdintons or something. GELATO! 2 floors of cute cafe goodness. little study nooks with cute lights you can adjust for your lighted study pleasure. apparently the second floor has a fireplace, but my forgetful self didn't make it up there. too busy eating and knitting! nocciola (hazelnut) and baccio ("kiss" - chocolate hazelnut)!! :D~~~
those emoticons crack me up.
read even more about pure dolphin love here.
AND, i was tagged by madgie!
4 jobs i've had:
* sibling tooth puller
* server
* server
* claims processor
4 places i've lived:
* peng san, china (one hot farmy summer, long ago)
* fort myers, fl
* atlanta, ga
* tampa, fl
4 movies i could watch over and over:
* clue
* garden state
* amelie
* the predator (seriously, i don't even know why)
4 tv shows i watch (currently on air)
uhhh......... i don't have cable. not even faux 4-channel cable. we'll stick with tv shows that anthony and i own.
* buffy the vampire slayer
* angel
* the office (bbc)
* mst3k
4 places i've been on vacation:
* hong kong
* italy
* australia
* other misc european countries
4 websites i visit daily:
* blogs. many. many. blogs.
4 of my favorite foods:
* sushi
* pavlova
* flan
* breadless buffalo wings (it's a sickness)
4 places i'd rather be right now:
* florence
* hong kong
* chicago
* in bed with anthony, thomas & yam (my two cats, you sickos)
4 bloggers i am tagging:
* sleep goblin
* bethie beth
* meaghan gee
* finnie
Breadless buffalo wings! You're funny! Are you tempted again by tofu or still gurgling?
Also, this place you speak of in Hyde Park sounds great and cozy. I love fireplaces. Wow!
Clue is genius!
And I want to steal the candy-heart-of-love thing.
Hola Ms Kim,
I was not tagged :( probubly because I am rarely on here until school is in session.
MMMM I heart Soy Gelato.... and can not wait until Thursday :)
Errr I need to find a project that I can do during girlfriend sweatshop, because reading is not easily done while lauphing and turning red from embarassment :) Though I feel my adjustment to having female friends has happened with few blunders on my part.
Hope your week is wonderful. Please show Anthony the penis stretcher hahaha!
Hasta pronto,
Star de la biblioteca
Thanks for YOUR comments. :-) You should definitely find your sketchbooks and post your f-bombs. Thanks for visiting, and I love your blog! You must add Scrubs and the US version of The Office to your list. Fun. Knee.
Predator. When I was a kid all of my friends used to love that movie. I preferred Roger Rabbit. Does that make me less of a man?
madge - i know, they're just so good! i can't help myself. and tofu still calls to me. just not in so great a quantity.
star! - you are hardly on. :( i even checked out your spanish class blog! i definitely want to try the soy blog next time we meet there!
rramone - i think i should first find my digital camera. i hate having a small camera because then you never know where it is... ;)
christopher - i don't know - roger rabbit did have jessica. i think you're covered.
i tried to steal it, but couldn't figure out how tomake the heart, so gave up trying .
I'm with you on the Amelie thing. I could watch it over and over also.
I do was fooled by the "in bed with..." for a moment. I thought to myself... whoa nelly! what's going on here? It was a thrilling moment. I sleep with cat on my tiny little feet. And the boy pulls me into his armpit.
rowan - you just make a ? and a heart replaces it when you submit your design. :)
monkey - i have the soundtrack for amelie; i love it. my cats have taken to sleeping on a full 1/3rd of the bed. and i, pushover that i am, let them have it.
sometimes my little cat yam licks my armpit.
What was this a slide of originally?
I love when I forget to read your blog - especially when I remember that I forgot on days I'm covering reception. : )
Did you know Pavlova's from New Zealand?
bobi - it was incredible! i was highly impressed and actually listened to some chinese this weekend!
virginia - umm.. no idea what this slide was! i don't even remember who did it. it looks like a tunnel? people walking? no one's come forward to claim it.
and i didn't know pavlova was from new zealand! it's amazing. i thought it was eastern european, mayhaps.
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