so where was i? rats.... andy's amazing breakfasts... super cold...
well, i'll just post some pictures to keep you visually, if not mentally, entertained.
here's the bean on saturday. i didn't take any pictures of myself in or under the bean, because all the distortion made me physically motion sick (pathetic? answer: yes). also, i thought ant & dug & i would see it on sunday, but alas, we did not make it downtown.
klee makes me feel good and fizzy.
a picture of dug! during daylight! and you can actually SEE his face! every single picture i have of dug at a show is of the top of his head with him hunched over his keyboard. every. single. picture.
the leaves were so incredible. such color! i heart the fall.
and the sky became so beautiful on saturday. friday was rainy and cloudy, but it became so beautiful, and even warm, towards the end of the trip.
at the brookfield zoo. doesn't that make you yearn for a picnic?
a lonely snail in the swamp exhibit
sleep goblin and ds, showing off their machismo.
on the long march towards the train station, pre-argyle yuppie party.
seriously? gorgeous. obviously, chicago needs me. and jen and rachel and meaghan and erika. because i need my girlfriend sweatshoppers. onwards, christian and agnostic soldiers!
from the field museum
these are 3-inch golden water lilies. tiny shoes for rich, crippled, yet super sexy chinese women. these were SMALLER THAN MY PALM. i cannot even begin to imagine the pain, nor the stench. the shoes for a baby were larger than these.
rowing away in the dino bone rowboat.
some of the dinos were actually really quite nice.
awww... a kiss!
and some... were not so nice!
the boys in the studio: (from the left) dug, anthony, andy, laurent
we rocked the cb2 and trader joe's. :D
models on the chicago street. damn my cold shaking blur-inducing hands!
waiting for the bus with throbbing feet. we are weak.
Hello, Mastercard?
Hi. I want to go to Chicago because Kimberlina's pictures hypnotized me. So, can we make this happen?
So I am catching up on your blog after being out of it for a while. Love these pics, and I loved the bean. I took the coolest movie of walking under the bean. And that same Klee, I stared at it for so long. Sigh.
Those are fantastic. I, too love what little I've seen of Chicago. We're talking about going there for my birthday, which unfortunately in January. Talk about your brr.
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