
internets, where are you!!


lacking internets completely blows. i miss my internets!! plus, how am i supposed to work on homework?? silly online classes.

this past weekend was michie's bridal shower. it was so much fun! we dressed her up in a toilet paper gown and even made her parade outside for the benefit of a bouquet toss. plus, the lighting was much better.

we had tapas and champagne sangria and dessert at burns! i introduced many of my friends to the goodness that is the wii and got to catch up with a friend i haven't seen in far too long.

overall, things are going well.

my new job started on monday and today ended the orientation. finally settling into the new house and tonight i'll work on getting the craft room somewhat set-up (i.e. moving some boxes from one corner into the other).

my birthday is the 14th and i'm feeling so blah about it! not sure why. i just feel like i have so much going on right now. work, school, moving/cleaning, crafting.... it's a lot of change all at once, and i actually don't want to do anything for my birthday. maybe i should open that asti bottle right now and it'll make me feel better...

this saturday at least, i get to see explosions in the sky. hurray!

1 comment:

madge said...

I was thinking of you starting at your new job! I hope you are liking it...

And see, have that bottle of Asti now and then have another on your birthday!