

huh. found this in my drafts. guess i'll post it!


i haven't posted in quite a while. this must be remedied.

after reading madge's blog, i really had a desire to try the nablopomo for march; the topic is lists! i heart lists, they keep me mostly organized and on track.

BUT, i knew i couldn't keep it up each and every day for a whole month. and, as you can see, it is already the 3rd and i am only just beginning.

catch-up list

  1. anthony moved this past weekend

  2. i move in in 2 weeks

  3. excited!

  4. visited my family 2 weekends ago and had a lovely time

  5. my dad is doing so much better and is refraining from fried foods (finally)

  6. i'm on the last disc of 'to kill a mockingbird' and it's just sooooooo good, i adore the nickname 'scout'

things to do list

  1. ren fest at MOSI!

  2. strawberry festival!

  3. paint bookshelves!

  4. shooting range!

  5. plan shuffleboard b-day party!

  6. buy veuve and find out what all this delicious fuss is about!

random thought of the weekend: though i love my ipod, some sort of tangible choice/choosing is lost. as anthony noted, it really homogenizes your music.

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