
If you build it, they will probably come. If you just pretend to build it, they may come anyway, and end up sticking around because of your charming attunement to life's deeper rhythms. If, as you build it or pretend to build it, you act manic or send out mixed messages, they may be intrigued and attracted, but they definitely won't come. So my advice, Pisces, is to suppress your mood swings as you at least start pretending to build the thing in earnest.
- free will astrology

i'm not one to put much stock in horoscopes, not really, but i have to admit that sometimes free will astrology portends something that hits me square in the face. though i tend to think of it more as advice, rather than something culled from the movements of the stars (*insert new age music here*). in this case, "it" represents my business motivations, right now aimed at photography. must... get... a... move... on. seriously, i'm not getting any younger. *sigh*


Sleep Goblin said...

i spent a good amount of time last night finally photographing jewelry that's been done since april. APRIL! now i just need to post it on the shop...

fb said...

I think I'm turning into Melvin from 'As Good as it Gets' but at least I'm not saying the things out loud yet although I am thinking them sometimes...