
busy busy... lizard


in december, i'll be moving from the downtown branch to a non-public branch in south tampa; not sure yet how i feel about the move, but change always rejuvenates me. it's a good opportunity (my own title - reporting & receiving librarian!), but i will be sad to leave downtown (and just as i was starting to get really settled, not to mention just as downtown tampa is starting to look alive).

have a few photography jobs lined up in the next few months! i'm working on figuring out how much to set aside for taxes, for new equipment, etc. that $5k camera will still be a long way off. baby steps!

anthony & i are looking for a round-faced feline to add to our brood - today we went to the humane society and cooed over kittens. we're looking for a slightly older cat, one that's slightly more sedate. i'm so excited about this!

1 comment:

Sleep Goblin said...

oh my gosh! i'm so excited for you! and also curious to see the job photos. will they be on your site, or do they have to be private?