
i'm starting to develop eco guilt.  sometime soon, i don't doubt that i'll become one of those people who needs to get coffee in their own reusable cups (though generally i try to make it at home since it's cheaper), or will always carry around clean tupperware for food from the work cafeteria so i don't have to use foam throw-away containers.


Sleep Goblin said...

That doesn't sound so bad.

The Sweets said...

hey, i know how fastidious you are about plastic bags, so that totally offsets the carbon footprint of you togo containers... right??? please tell me that's how it works, b/c I've been counting on my coffee mug to negate the bad karma of forgetting my reusable grocery bags like...all...the..time...

must cobble together easier to use compost scrap bin so my lazy butt takes the veggie waste out instead of just chucking it in the bin.

thanks, kim... now i feel guilty too.