
news :: news

as i speak, the new computer should be happily on its way to me. hopefully i will be able to get it and set it all up this evening. :)

this afternoon i will be taking a pee test to make my current job permanent. benefits start in approx one month. huzzah!

though after sitting in on a staff meeting, the urge to leave this corporate world grows stronger and stronger.

once i get this new computer, i'll be working on my portfolio to hopefully get a new job. something in the arts field. that would be nice.

beautiful sunflowers from anthony. and cute chocolate frog truffles! godiva chocolate biscuits. ritter.

made a t-shirt for a co-worker last night on my print gocco. i think i'm falling in love. if only the larger version weren't $600!!

my little cat yam sleeps under the covers next to my stomach; her fur is soft.

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