
weekend extravaganza!

many photographs to follow, not all are terribly exciting, but all make me rather happy.

as mentioned previously, erika and meaghan came up for a little girlfriend sweatshop city-wide! much bubbly was ingested and yarn bought. and sangria! and brownie brick! meaghan makes this delicious dense and melty brownie brick "cake." maybe it's more of a loaf. it's heaven on a plate. and in my mouth.

firstly, meaghan dropped by & vacuumed my craft room, i showered, anthony ran off to pick up chinese take-out, my parents came into town, erika drove up and we ate! thank you, ho ho choy's deliciousness.

the parents - look, they sit alike!!

erika telling us stories about her high school students and what wonderful angels they are! (read: sarcasm)
[this was when i broke out the good flash - it makes a big difference!]

the snuggle-bunnies

"what? 3 females? 1.5 bathrooms? token male? whatwhatwhat??"

we watched pretty in pink, which meaghan had never seen (!!) and lounged in our pjs.

i believe that erika's shirt says 'stolen from mabel's whorehouse.' i believe it means the person, not the shirt.

sleepy boy
so cutie! boy w/ cats. that's thomas on the right and yammie on the left. this was actually the second photo taken - thomas learns quickly to not look at the bright light.

the next day, we woke up late and meandered down to ybor to see yen @ the craft fair!

yen makes beautiful jewelry!

yen & her man, mike

"hellooooo customers!," says yen

jen & yen are so adorable! not only do their names rhyme, but they're also about the same size.

rachel looks... umm... really lecherous in this picture. we're actually insanely hot and sweating. the sweat gushed forth as water from a burst dam. my shoulders are sweating in this picture. my SHOULDERS. along w/ other body parts. UGH! a cold front supposedly went through, but could we feel it? a hearty NAY. i've never sweat that much before in my life .

again, that's not happiness - rachel & yen are actually crying because of the heat.

and onward, to the yarn store! we met up with danielle, the newest addition to our girlfriend sweatshop (tampa edition) meetings. i had to restrain myself to not buy $90 on japanese yarn. so i spent $50 instead. it was so beautiful. so yummy. as meaghan said, it's wonderfully slubby. mmm....

the evening entailed erika falling asleep at 8 pm, pesto, onion/garlic/olive oil/balsamic bread dip, salad w/ pineapple lemon dressing, caprese and pavlova.

sunday was a day trip to la creperia.

rachel & laurie (lawrence)

erika, looking cute, yet funny

jen grabs her knitting from the car - meaghan inspires us to actually carry our knitting w/ us everywhere. her knitting is incredible. *le sigh*


the send off. eff, i'm getting a mullet. i am ----><----- this close to cutting my hair tonight.... gfss16
secrets?? hmmm....

yammie will miss them, too.


madge said...

Stop the cuteness! It's too much!

Your new camera looks like its already been a lot of fun. Keep it of your car, okay? ;)

Tits McGee said...

Yer pictures are bonny, lassy. Yer no scurvy wench, that's fer surrre.


madge said...


I just noticed the patch over Tits' eye.

I wish I could say that like a pirate. I suck.

kimberlina said...

whoa, man! tits = awesome. your eyepatch is the coolest. avast! matey! buckle my swash!

madge, pirate skillz only require a few choice words inserted to sound somewhat "pirate-professional." we've both got a year to brush up on our deck swabbing!

Sleep Goblin said...

wow! your pictures are awesome!!!!!

what kind of camera and flash are you using?

also, ds and i decided to fly in and out of madison for the honeymoon, so we'll be back in plenty of time if you want to meet up in chicago :)

Willie Baronet said...

Mullets rule. ;-)

And that secrets pic is SASSY.

kimberlina said...

sleepy g - nikon d50 and an sb-28. i looooooooove it! i see my hard drive quickly becoming full in the near future....

rrramone - 1 vote in favor of the mullet! duly noted. and erika, by the way, loves the camera. ;)