
i've been rather blase as of late -- nothing of note to really write about. just lots of random things rushing through the mind:

1 - going shuffleboarding w/ ant tonight and hopefully having a seafood dinner + vegetarian stuffing.
2 - dad's in the hospital again. he'd had his bypass surgery 9 yrs ago; apparently, they last for about 10 yrs. he's got a blockage in his bypass, so next month they'll go in and put in a stent.
3 - the downstairs is clean!
4 - the upstairs is not!
5 - need to redesign the girlfriend sweatshop website
6 - and my portfolio
7 - fo' sho'
8 - i'm really excited about girlfriend sweathop and hope that it takes me wonderful places in 2007


fb said...

Hospital again...speedy recovery!

The pie shop I went to http://www.pokeno.co.uk/
Mash is short for mashed potato.

Shuffleboard again! When you get to the age of your average Florida retiree Shuffleboard you're gonna be kickin ass cause you started earlier than the rest of us! ;)

Is Optimus Prime a toy with poseable fingers or you found those images in the netherworld that is the Internet?

Happy New Year!

Tits McGee said...

Sorry about your dad, sweetie. I'm sure he'll be fine.