
*sigh* i hate when i put too much sugar in my coffee. it just ruins it.

florida's winters are getting milder and milder. i think it went into the 40s once this winter (so far, at least). this morning it was in the 60s and this afternoon will be in the 80s. it's so strange (and frustrating) to get mosquito bites during the winter. it's just wrong! not to mention a resurgence of love bugs. even still, it was beautiful outside walking from the parking garage to work. 60s with a light blue sky is perfect weather.

so, sometimes i feel i should read books or articles on how to "blog better." or how to make your blog "more interesting." but to be honest, i kind of don't care. for the record, this blog is not for anyone else (and not meant in a callous way). this blog is just for me. me me me. i am selfish like that. comments are always lovely, but it's not what i strive to get. i've never been one for popularity contests. i just ramble. or it's just a snapshot of what i've been doing. it helps me remember.

my blog has pretty much taken the place of my once paper & tangible journal. sometimes this makes me miss the tangible journal. from seeing bits of paper with lists of information scattered about my bag or craft room (that would nomally be written down in my journal) to the lack of immediacy that the journal provides, whether doing a quick sketch or painting the edges or using charcoal. i miss charcoal. i love getting my hands dirty. ...maybe i'll try carrying one around again and just take photos of it. (although, now, i type faster than i write, which is a plus on the side of the blog.)

yadda yadda yadda. i wish i had more value to give out to the world, but i don't. noet yet, and not in written form, at least. maybe in some artistic way, or so i hope. i feel as though i'm finally in a place where i can explore my art more. ... maybe i need to rework my craft room to make it more accessible for my charcoal... and why do i feel this need to be constantly moving my stuff around!! i'm never comfortable. ha!


Willie Baronet said...

Hey, you don't have to apologize to nobody. :-) Wishing you a great new year!! xoxo

Tits McGee said...

I second that! This is your space, baby. You use it how you like.

I miss my ink and paper journal, too, sometimes.

madge said...

I say what they say! I love to read your blog...